
Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Vision is a tremendously powerful force in any walk of life. A vision is a target towards which he or she aims energy and resources..It excites peoples emotions..Vision adds mean to our life..Vision is an imagination about future which enforces us to work for it..Vision can glue people into one..

In the book of proverb it is assumed that "Where there is no vision ,the people perish.."Vision creates leadership... A great leader things differently...A man cannot prosper and grow without vision.For leader it is not a dream but a reality which is yet to come into existence...Vision brings confidence and dedication to devote long hours for years to bring it into existence or reality....Vision teaches three "P" to us... U may wonder what are they, it is nothing but "PERSEVERANCE,PERSISTENCE AND PERFORMANCE" guides us in a particular direction...Many people never have vision because of fear of failure...but one thing they never understand that great leaders are through thorns, pains, severe criticism etc....A famous word from wilson that"I have failed many times than you've tried..."He says that failure is unavoidable and essential part to success...It doesn't matter how many times we fail but do we try again...willingness to confront and deal with failure is an attribute to success to vision..

So i request my friends to have vision to have a successful and meaningful life...
Have a wonderful winter season....

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