
Lab Programs

One of the key contents of this Blog is the Anna University Lab Programs

Generally, Anna University sets three labs for each semester. Students sometimes find it difficult to get the source code for programs. So hereby I would like to contribute the Source code for all programs that I know. You may however use this for your observaion or record work and may even modify if you find something wrong. But when you do share this somewhere in the internet, please make sure that you give necessary credits to me.

Open Source Lab

(coming Soon..)
Join the FACEBOOK GROUP to discuss about this. Click on the below link!!

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Fedora is likely to be used as a base Linux distribution.


Data Structures Lab

Object Oriented Analysis and Design Lab

Internet Programming Lab

System Software Lab

Java Lab

Network Lab

Operating Systems Lab

Stay Tuned for Updates.

Disclaimer - Most of the source codes that I have put in this blog, is of my own code. However if i have put it from any other source, I have made sure that I have given due credit to the author. In case someone feels that I haven't given credit, you can contact me. If it is genuine I would definitely Consider it.